How It Works

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  • Here are a couple quick tips to finding your floor joists:

    (1) Your joists should run the shorter distance of the house. So whichever direction of the house is narrower, the floor joists will run that way

    (2) Floor Vents are always placed between floor joists. These are a great place to start using your joist finder

    (3) Magnetic Stud Finders can help you find the nails that hold your subfloor. These nails are always driving right into those joists. Find the nails, find the joists.

    (4) Do not be afraid to take advantage of the joist finder bit! It is designed to not damage the carpet so simply drilling one inch apart until you hit the joist will guarantee success.

    (5) Once you find any of the joists, simply measure 16 inches across to the next joist and you should be able to hit any joist in the room!

  • Yes! Additional components for all of our kits are available for purchase here on the website.

  • If you are drilled into a floor joist, two things will happen:

    (1) You will hear your drill laboring when driving the joist deeper into the floor.

    (2) If you switch the drill into reverse you should feel the drill push up hard against your hand as that joist finder’s threads are pushing against the joist.

  • (1) Make sure you are hitting the floor joist as the screws will not alleviate the squeak unless they are being driven into the joist.

    (2) You will likely need to screw more than one screw into the joist in order to fully alleviate the squeak. After putting a screw in, step on the spot to see if the squeak has changed or has moved. That is a hint that you are on the right track.

  • We recommend having 10-15 screws set aside for each squeaky area that you want to tackle. That way you should have plenty to get the job done.

  • No this kit will not work on tile flooring as drilling through the tile would cause significant damage and targeting the floor joists would be effectively impossible.

  • TBD

  • The instructions for the kit can be found at this link: INSERT LINK

  • This is an exceedingly rare occurrence. The easiest remedy is to grab a vice grip (or some pliers) and twist the screw out by hand. The threads on the screw are still secured in the wood so it should twist out with minimal difficulty.

  • This can be caused by 2 things:

    (1) You are drilling into softwood instead of hardwood. If your floor is a softwood then you will need to use the higher of the two holes on the hardwood fixture and then break the screw off manually with the notch on the hardwood fixture.

    (2) The torque setting on your drill is too high. Rathan than driving the screw on the highest setting, turn it down to 50-60% of its maximum torque and the screw should snap off.

  • Yes! For hardwood flooring on stairs, the kit is used identically to hardwood floors. For carpeted stairs, oftentimes the squeak is coming from the contact point between the riser and the tread. Simply drive the screws down through the tread into the riser and the squeaks should be alleviated.

  • No! The screws will not damage your carpet unless you have berber carpet. To use the kit with Berber Carpet, simply wrap a small piece of scotch tape around the screw threads to keep it from snagging onto the weave.